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Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8am - 8pm and Saturday 9am - 3pm.
Products and Technology

Polylactic acid

Polylactic acid or polylactide (PLA, Poly) is a renewable resource made of sugarcane for rejuvenation. Unlike other fillers it doesn’t produce immediate results, the new appearance comes gradually with the stimulation of your own body’s collagen production.

Approved for all aesthetics purposes by ANVISA and FDA, the polylactic acid has better results for wrinkles and flabbines on the lower half of the face. This happens cause the collagen stimulation depends on an inflammatory process done by fibroblasts which varies according to the region of the face.

The procedure is done through a puncture where a blunt tip microcannula deposits the PLA. With local anestesia, no cuts and low bruises, there’s no need of internation. About three monthly treatments are necessary to continue with the collagen stimulation. Skin modifications happen along 8 weeks after each application.

Polylatic acid is absorbable in 18 months, so, occasional touch-ups will be needed.

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