Appointment: RS +55 (51) 4063.8333, RJ +55 (21) 4063.8333, SP +55 (11) 4063.3338
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8am - 8pm and Saturday 9am - 3pm.
Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery Ears Otoplasty

Otoplasty is a surgical procedure performed on the ears, to correct prominent ears by placing them nearer the head and adjusting them to the head’s natural curvature.

The operation is usually performed after the patient reaches the age of 5 to 14, when there is already a development of it anatomical structures.

You must keep in mind that the desired result is to improve your appearance and your self-esteem, not to achieve perfection.
With Otoplasty, the most protuberant cartilage of the ear is reshaped, an ellipsis of skin behind the ear is removed and the entire auricular pavilion is placed nearer the head.
The duration of the surgery is that of approximately 2 hours, being performed as an ambulatory procedure, under local or general anesthesia.

Postoperative pain is well tolerated with the use of common painkillers.

For your convenience, our staff may make arrangements as hotel reservations and transfers (airport/hotel/clinic).

Some ecchymosis or edema may occur on the first 2 to 3 weeks after the surgery. Final results are achieved in several months, lasting for many years.

Occasionally, the condition may reappear on some level, and thus, there may be the need for a complementary procedure. According to some authors, it is unreal to expect perfect symmetry between both sides.

It is recommended that the patient wear a band around the ears during sleep for a period of one month after the surgery.

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