Appointment: RS +55 (51) 4063.8333, RJ +55 (21) 4063.8333, SP +55 (11) 4063.3338
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8am - 8pm and Saturday 9am - 3pm.

Treatment association helps to reduce cellulite

Cellulite treatment combines collagen stimulation and detachment of the fibrous septae to reduce skin ripples and flabbiness, helping to improve body contour. The procedure is performed without hospitalization, with local anesthesia, standing patient and has reduced recovery time.

The Goldincision protocol was published for the first time in the book Science and Art of Dermal Fillers and was recognized by the scientific community at the XVI Aesthetic Medicine World Congress in São Paulo, at the 5° Consenso Mundial de Rellenos Inyectables in Mexico and at the 24th World Congress of Dermatology in Italy, a traditional meeting that tooks place every four years.

It took 12 years of practice and research to develop a treatment that could reduce ondulation, control flaccidity, help the body contour definition and also contributes to a harmonic shape. More: all at the same session!

How Goldincision works?

The Goldincision protocol is divided in four steps:

1 – On-site evaluation and marking of fibrous septa with the patient in orthostatism;
2 – Local anesthesia with the patient on the stretcher;
3 – Collagen stimulation also with the patient lying down;
4 – Fibrous septae detachment with the patient standing.

The points affected by fibrosis can be better observed when the patient is standing, so in Goldincision, both the marking of these points and the rupture of the fibrous septae are performed in orthostatism. The collagen stimulation is performed with injectable products that promote a natural response from the patient’s body, including the improvement of tghe overall appearance of the skin texture, shining, hydration and softness.

The patient leaves the doctor’s office with a compressive shorts to avoid accumulation of fluid and bruising. The band aid is removed within 24 hours and the compressive shorts are held for seven days, while edema and ecchymosis, formed naturally in response to subcision, regress. In 30 days a new appointment is required for review, when a new session of Goldincision or complementary treatments may be performed. Balanced diet and regular physical exercises can help to achieve and maintain good results. Following your doctor’s advice contributes to an even better look.

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