Appointment: RS +55 (51) 4063.8333, RJ +55 (21) 4063.8333, SP +55 (11) 4063.3338
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8am - 8pm and Saturday 9am - 3pm.


Fillers are treatments that seek to redefine facial and corporal contours through the use of liquid implants performed with biocompatible materials, via microcannulas, implanted on deep anatomical planes through a minimally invasive procedure. The most commonly liquid implant is the PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate) once it is permanent, stable and inert in the area in which it is applied.

Bioplasty’s technique has been applied to harmonize and define areas such as lips, chin and nose and hands. To improve the size of the buttocks, thighs, calves.

Breast augmentation through the technique of Bioplasty is currently being studied. Brazil is at the forefront of bioplasty and is considered a center of reference for these techniques.

Cheek Bioplasty (malar) – facial bioplasty can correct imperfections and project and plump the cheeks, a sign of youth that fades with aging.

Buttock Bioplasty – Brazilian butt lift buttock bioplasty can enhance and increase the gluteus. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia without the need of a hospital admitance. Patients are able to participate actively in the procedure, voicing his/hers opinions.

Jaw Line Bioplasty – jaw line bioplasty can improve the dividing line between the face and neck. Applying fillers to the area also reduces tissue flaccidity, having results similar to those of a face-lift, especially when done in association with cheek (malar) bioplasty.

Nose bioplasty – with nose bioplasty, we are able to lift, thin and project the tip of the nose, reduce the nasal base, and improve nasal dorsal appearance. The procedure is performed with local anesthesia. Patients are required to wear bandaging for a period of 7 to 15 days.

Calf Bioplasty – bioplasty for calf augmentation is recommended for those with noticeably small calf muscles, disproportional to the rest of the body, who showed no improvement after undergoing physical treatments and workouts.

Chin Bioplasty (mentum) – chin’s bioplasty is performed to augment, protrude, and correct asymmetries and imperfections through a minimally invasive procedure.

Pectoral Bioplasty – patients presenting hypotrophy of the pectoral muscles, Poland syndrome (underdevelopment or absence of the chest muscle) or muscle asymmetry are candidates for this procedure. It is also recommended for patients who have disproportional chest muscles in comparison to muscles of other areas of the body, and who have not obtained improvements in the development of such muscles with physical training and exercise.

Shoulder Bioplasty – bioplasty for deltoid augmentation is performed to reestablish corporal harmony in patients with muscular asymmetry or hypotrophy, as means of correcting scars or depressions caused by the loss of adipose tissues, amongst other conditions.

Lipodystrophy (seropositive patients) – bioplasty has shown results in seropositive patients who present, as side effects of treatments to this condition, loss of fat in certain areas of the body and especially on the face. The use of fillers on this area through bioplasty eliminates the undesired appearance of a thin face, and helps patients regain their self-esteem.

Lip Bioplasty – lip bioplasty can plump thin lips, improve its contours, better define the Cupid’s bow, and correct imperfections.

Hand Bioplasty – the hands also suffer with aging and with the loss of conjunctive tissue. The skin becomes more flaccid and stained, and the back of the hand reveals tendons and veins, giving the hand a senile aspect. Bioplasty can recuperate the lost volumes and aid in disguising veins and tendons, rejuvenating its appearance.

Bioplasty for the correction of wrinkles, scars and depressions – Bioplasty can be performed for the correction of wrinkles, hollows, scars and depressions. Filling the nasogenian fold, as well as those deep wrinkles on corners of the mouth (commonly known as Chinese mustache).

Bioplasty for buttock augmentation, reshapes, increases the volume and lifts the gluteus. Trochanteric depressions (on the sides of the buttock), an unfavorable aspect of the female gluteus, can be filled through the use of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) which is a liquid implant.
As the Bioplasty of the gluteus (buttocks augmentation) is accomplished:


Cleaning of the skin of the gluteus;
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Placement of sterile fields.
The amount of liquid implant for the Bioplasty of the gluteus varies according to indication, for great amounts we accomplished the procedure in stages, a reasonable amount for first application is among 80 – 150 ml.

The product usually used is the PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate microspheres) that is accepted biologically and that has been used in medicine since 1945, being this an implantation with definitive result.
Bioplasty of the buttocks is an outpatient procedure, performed under local anesthesia and the patient is awake and cooperate during the whole process. The procedure is carried without cuts and without the need of sutures, through a no traumatic special microcannula.
This procedure has also been accomplished in many men that try to improve the harmony of the gluteus.
For your convenience, our staff may make arrangements for your as hotel reservations and transfers (airport/hotel/clinic).

Lip Augmentation

“Lip Augmentation with Bioplasty – Fillers to redefine facial contour whithout cuts – Brazil. ”

Lip bioplasty can plump thin lips, improve its contours, better define the Cupid’s bow, correct imperfections and significantly improve harmony between the lips and the face.
Considerations: since lips are only naturally protected and moistened by the saliva, patients must protect the lips from sun exposure and keep the lips well moisturized as to avoid discomfort and chapping.
Enhance your lips with lip bioplasty without bleeds or cuts.

Lip bioplasty plays an important aesthetic role in perfecting, molding and enhancing lips, resulting on sensual and full lips.
As this procedure may utilize biomaterials that are not absorbed by the body, we strongly recommend the application of less filler than desired by the patient on a first session. A complementary procedure (with no additional costs) can be scheduled 20 to 30 days after the first. Applying the filler in stages allows for a safer, risk-free procedure, preventing undesirable results.

For those looking for a longer lasting solution for lip augmentation, bioplasty is the new trend. Since lips are such sensitive and delicate areas, we give preference to products such as hyaluronic acid (absorbable) or polyacrylamide (permanent). The body reabsorbs hyaluronic acid after 6 to 9 months of application. There are many products available for lip augmentation, though we suggest the use of hyaluronic acid. Below is a list of such products.

For your convenience, our staff may make arrangements for your as hotel reservations and transfers (airport/hotel/clinic).

Out Line® and Evolution®

The first is a cutaneous implant made of synthetic polyacrylamide gel, and it is used to fill facial depressions. It is very effective lip augmentation and for the correction of deep facial wrinkles, such as the ones located at the forehead and on corners of the mouth. The main function of Out Line® is to stimulate the skin to make collagen and elastin. It was designed to present results that can last up to 2 years. The latter offers effective treatment for nasogenian folds, glabellum folds (between the eyebrows), wrinkles at the corners of the mouth, deep cutaneous depressions and also for atrophic scars. Evolution® is composed of polyacrylamide gel and of microspheres that are permanent, allowing for longer lasting results. The product is applied to deep planes of the dermis. It has great results for lip augmentation via lip bioplasty.

Restylane® e Perlane®

Both Restylane® and Perlane® are facial fillers that have hyaluronic acid as base (substance that presents affinity to water). Restylane® is often recommended for lip augmentation, to define lip contours, correct finer wrinkles and those that develop with the natural aging process. This substance guarantees filling wrinkles and folds at the contours of the lips without leaving signs of the procedure or scars for a period of time ranging from 6 months to a year, depending on the patient. It is applied to average size wrinkles and does not cause side effects. Restylane® has the advantage of promoting skin hydration. Perlane® is recommended for use on deeper folds, especially those located on the nasogenian region. It can also be used to correct facial asymmetries and as lip filler. It is an excellent product for lip augmentation and lip bioplasty.

It is a polyacrylamide gel based facial filler. Hylaform® is used in finer and deeper lines, on scars and to promote lip augmentation and/or define lip contours, causing the skin to regain a jovial structure. Results are immediately seen and last an average of 8 months. This product needs to be reapplied yearly. There are no counterindications. It is great for lip augmentation (lip bioplasty).
Zyplast® e Zyderm®
Collagen (natural protein of the organism) based facial implants Zyderm®1 is used for facial lines around the eyes. Zyderm®2 can be applied to moderate wrinkles. Zyplast® is used to correct depressions that are deeper, such as the nasogenian folds, and for lip augmentation and definition of lip contours. The doctor will need to run a dermatological test with the patient, as to avoid a possible allergic reaction, in order to secure patient safety.
We do not generally use this product, though it is widely used in the US and in Europe for lip augmentation.

New-Fill® is a polylactic acid and hydrogel based new filler. This acid is found naturally in the human organism. It has been used for over 30 years and no allergic reactions or product rejections were ever reported. It is used to fill nasogenian folds, lines at the glabellum region and for lip augmentation. This product is part of a new generation of fillers that promote the increase of the thickness of the skin, correcting undesirable wrinkles, at the cost of elements (cells) of the own skin. This product lasts in average a year and a half, and can last up to 3 years. This permits that procedures be redone, as this product is not permanent.

Jaw line Bioplasty

“Facial Contour, Jaw Line Bioplasty, Brazilian facial fillers. ”

Through the bioplasty of the jaw line it is possible to redefine facial contours, lessen those undesirable fat bags (that accumulate beside the chin) as well as some facial imperfections.

Blush effect – improves facial contours and softens that wrinkles at the corners of the mouth (commonly known as Chinese mustache).

Triangular shaped face – bioplasty is indicated for those patients whom desire to widen the lower third of the face and that do not have a well-defined mandible outline – a sign of beauty and youth that fades with aging.

The procedure is performed through the use of local anesthesia and through the use of a blunt-tipped microcannula that does not cause neurovascular lesions. Bleeding is minimal and stitches are not necessary.

For your convenience, our staff may make arrangements for you as hotel reservations and transfers (airport/hotel/clinic).

Shoulder Bioplasty

“Shoulder Bioplasty – Bioplasty of the Deltoids – Corporal fillers ”

Deltoid augmentation – this procedure is indicated for patients (males or females) who have muscle’s asymmetry or muscle’s hypotrophy as well as to correct scars or depressions caused by the loss of adipose tissues.

The procedure is performed through the use of local anesthesia and through the use of a blunt-tipped microcannula. This microcannula avoids any damage to nerves or blood vessels. After local analgesia, the filler is applied to the area. The liquid implant that is commonly used is the polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), it does not migrate within the body, staying at the area in which it was placed. PMMA is a biocompatible product.

Calf Augmentation

“Brazilian Calf Aumentation with bioplasty – whithout cuts, fillers to redefine corporal. ”

Bioplasty for the calves is recommended for those with noticeably small calf muscles, disproportional to the rest of the body, who showed no improvement after undergoing physical treatments and workouts. Candidates also include those who exhibit muscular hypotrophy as a consequence of cerebral palsy or poliomyelitis.

Calf augmentation is a procedure that consists in the implantation of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) on the calf via a small orifice. This procedure is performed with the use of local anesthetics, without cuts or stitches, and the patient is awake and able to follow and participate in the proceedings. The procedure takes place in approximately 40 minutes.

Chin Augmentation
“Chin Bioplasty or Mentonian Bioplasty – Chin Correction and Augmentation, Fillers to redefine facial whithout cuts – Brazil. ”

With chin (mentum) bioplasty we are able to augment, protrude, and correct asymmetries and imperfections without surgery, through a minimally invasive procedure.

The anterior line of the mentum must be at the same level as the glabellum line. This is one of the most utilized parameters for ascertaining beauty. Through bioplasty, it is possible to make the chin rounder, longer, and/or larger, catering to the specific needs and wishes of each patient.

Bioplasty for mentonian augmentation is a quick procedure, usually taking around 30 minutes. This procedure is performed with use of local anesthetics, without cuts or stitches. The patient is awake and able to actively participate in the proceedings, determining results.

The substance we use is called polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), which stays in the area that it was applied to. The body does not reabsorb it, and it does not migrate. It does not cause rejection or allergic reactions.

Complications are virtually nonexistent, for the procedure is done with the use of local anesthetics and via a blunt-tipped microcannula that does not cause any type of neurovascular lesions. Bleeding is minimal and no cuts or stitches are made.

Correction of Wrinkles, Hollows, Scars and Depressions

“Correction of Wrinkles, Hollows, Scars and Depressions – fillers to redefine contour facial whithout cuts – Brazil. ”

Bioplasty provides an improvement of the facial wrinkles, hollows, scars and depressions. The nasogenian fold can also be filled as well those deep wrinkles on corners of the mouth (commonly known as “Chinese mustache”). To enhance the contour and volume of the lips, chin, amongst others. To correct volumetrical asymmetries of the face, restoring the loss volume of the face through the aging, providing a better and harmonious youthful appearance.

Bioplasty is performed with the use of local anesthesia, and the patient may return to his/her normal activities just after the procedure.

Bioplasty is compatible with other treatments and can be performed after peels or facial lifts.

Bioplasty does not stop or prevent the natural aging process. The patient is advisable to undergo, if it’s needed, a new procedure years later.

Hand Bioplasty

Hand Rejuvenation with Bioplasty – Fillers to redefine corporal whithout cuts – Brazil. ”

Our hands also suffer with aging process and with the loss of conjunctive tissue. The skin becomes more flaccid and stained, and the back of the hand reveals tendons and veins, giving the hand a senile aspect.

Through bioplasty technique it is possible to recuperate the lost volumes and aid in disguising veins and tendons. Bioplasty of the hands is an outpatient procedure, performed with the use of local anesthesia. The procedure takes place in about 40 minutes.

Neither stitches nor cuts are necessary. It is required for the patient to wear gloves for a few days and to avoid heavy labor using the hands.

Associated treatments, to better improve the quality of the skin, such as peelings, cosmiatry, and Laser / photo rejuvenation, maybe be indicated to minimize stains and improve the overall appearance of the hands.

Nose Job Bioplasty

This is a technique used to lift the tip of the nose, projecting it forward, improving the alar nose appearance.

In order to lift the nose by increasing the nasal-labial angle, a small orifice is made with a 40 x 1,2 mm needle at the nasal base and a microcannula is inserted up to the anterior nasal spine. Circa 0,15 ml (depending of the nose) of PMMA of 30% is injected, which is equivalent to 5 clicks of the injection pistol.
With nose bioplasty, we are able to lift, thin and project the tip of the nose, reduce the nasal base, and improve nasal dorsal appearance. This is a safe procedure performed with local anesthesia and with minimal bleeding. It usually takes approximately 40 minutes. Patients are required to wear bandaging for a period of 7 to 15 days, depending on the procedure.

Results of nose bioplasty are permanent.

This is a very simple procedure, and the patient is awake and able to follow the proceedings. The implant can be reshaped within 4 days of the procedure, when the suspension of molecules – cellulose colloids or gel – depending of the implant, are absorbed and substituted with collagen that is being made by the patient’s organism as a response to the stimuli that PMMA causes on fibroblasts.

A follow-up appointment is scheduled 7 days after the procedure. Patients must wear bandaging on the tip of the nose for 7 days, and for 15 days if the procedure was performed at the dorsal region of the nose.

Complications are virtually nonexistent, for the procedure is done with the use of local anesthetics and via a blunt-tipped microcannula that does not cause any type of neurovascular lesions. Bleeding is minimal and no cuts or stitches are made.

Strecher of the face

“Facial volumetrical bioplasty (cheeks –stretcher of the face), Fillers Facial whithout cuts – Brazil. ”

Cheek bioplasty is a great procedure for the improvement of the maxilla contour and definition, replenishing volumetric symmetry reduced with aging. It is an excellent procedure capable of greatly influencing facial light/ shadow ratio and plumpness, also producing a “blush” effect, a symbol of facial beauty.

Malar augmentation, or cheek augmentation, also diminishes tissue flaccidity for it replenishes lost facial volume, having an effect similar to that of the surgical lift. This procedure is often performed in association with jaw line bioplasty; further improving tissue flaccidity and the “blush” effect.

Considerations for facial bioplasty – Cheeks.

This is a very simple procedure, and the patient is awake and able to follow the proceedings. The implant can be reshaped within 4 days of the procedure, when the suspension of molecules – cellulose colloids or gel – depending of the implant, are absorbed and substituted with collagen that is being made by the patient’s organism as a response to the stimuli that PMMA causes on fibroblasts.

A follow-up appointment is scheduled 7 days after the procedure.
Complications are virtually nonexistent, for the procedure is done with the use of local anesthetics and via a blunt-tipped microcannula that does not cause any type of neurovascular lesions. Bleeding is minimal and no cuts or stitches are made. The patient may, as an example, have the procedure done during lunch hour and return to work immediately after.

As previously mentioned, bioplasty is a minimally invasive procedure that is performed through use of local anesthetics, without the need for sedation. As the patient is awake and participating during all process. Results are final.

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