Many women want to reshape this body part, treat cellulite, and have a buttock lift procedure done.

Did you know that it is already possible to treat the gluteal region, without any invasive surgery?


Below are some of the results of the procedure carried out at the Leger Clinic.

A worldwide reference in terms of the highest level of treatment, with units in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Porto Alegre.

Cellulite Treatment

We are sure that cellulite itself is not a problem for you, but the things you stop doing because you feel insecure about it, certainly are.

GoldIncision is a method of associating unique techniques to remove cellulite problem areas one by one and improve skin quality. The effects can be observed progressively and quickly.

In a short period of time, because you notice the reduction of irregularities when the cellulite areas are removed. Progressively, because the biostimulators used stimulate your natural collagen production, leaving your skin increasingly firm and hydrated over time.

A benchmark clinic when it comes to body fillers, cellulite treatment, Gluteal Harmonization (buttock lift or gluteoplasty), facial harmonization and health care.

A benchmark clinic when it comes to body fillers, cellulite treatment, Gluteal Harmonization (buttock lift or gluteoplasty), facial harmonization and health care.

A worldwide reference in terms of the highest level of treatment, with units in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Porto Alegre. TRATAMENTO, COM UNIDADES EM SÃO PAULO, RIO DE JANEIRO E PORTO ALEGRE.​

For over 15 years, we have been working with excellence and offering complete services when it comes to facial and body filling procedures, cellulite treatment with the Goldincision technique, dermatology, plastic surgery, nutrition, among other specialties.

We count on world-renowned physicians, Equipe Leger (the Leger team) is a reference in terms of quality, precision and safety in each and every procedure we offer.

For over 15 years, we have been working with excellence and offering complete services when it comes to facial and body filling procedures, cellulite treatment with the Goldincision technique, dermatology, plastic surgery, nutrition, among other specialties. We count on world-renowned physicians, Equipe Leger (the Leger team) is a reference in terms of quality, precision and safety in each and every procedure we offer.

Gluteal Harmonization

Many women want to reshape this body part and have a buttock lift procedure done. Did you know that it is already possible to harmonize the gluteal region, without any invasive surgery?

Gluteal Harmonization (buttock lift) is a body filling technique focused on the reshaping of the buttocks. The procedure is performed in the office (clinical facilities), under local anesthesia, without sedation and lasts about an hour, allowing patients to go back to their routine activities on the same day, as long as medical guidelines are properly followed.

This technique is performed with biocompatible filling substances approved by ANVISA (The Brazilian National Health Surveillance Agency). The treatment is able to add more firmness to the buttocks, lift them up and harmonize this body part, preserving its natural appearance.

Facial Harmonization​

Facial harmonization exists to enhance your unique beauty and renew your look.

At Leger Clinics, we always respect the characteristics and proportions of each patient, in order to achieve natural results that transform their self-esteem.

The method is one of our clients’ favorite for providing a visible short term effect and featuring a natural appearance, without any surgery or routine activity disruption.

Cellulite Treatment

We are sure that cellulite itself is not a problem for you, but the things you stop doing because you feel insecure about it, certainly are.

GoldIncision is a method of associating unique techniques to remove cellulite problem areas one by one and improve skin quality. The effects can be observed progressively and quickly.

In a short period of time, because you notice the reduction of irregularities when the cellulite areas are removed.

Progressively, because the biostimulators used stimulate your natural collagen production, leaving your skin increasingly firm and hydrated over time.

Have your best version revealed with Leger. Safety and that unique natural feeling in each and every procedure.

Have your best version revealed with Leger. Safety and that unique natural feeling in each and every procedure.

Good health, quality of living and well-being are the guidelines of all the services we provide. Our treatments are customized, respecting and harmonizing the individual characteristics and lifestyle of each patient so that they can e experience beauty in all of its forms.

Over 15 years working with facial fillers, body fillers and cellulite treatment featuring the unique GoldIncision ® technique

Our physicians are always participating in national and international congresses and fairs as guests or speakers

Publication of scientific articles in specialized Brazilian and foreign journals

ISO 9001:2015 international certification, in addition to a specific health surveillance permit to carry out the medical procedures offered

The products we use are approved by Anvisa

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